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Lawn Bowls IOM have named their squad that will travel to Cyprus later this month for a test series which is growing in stature year on year, and for the 2019 Atlantic Championships in May.

LBIOM were first invited to take part in the Cyrpus test series in 2016, and this year sees a fifth nation being added to competition. Our bowlers will be pitted against Jersey, Israel, Spain and of course hosts Cyprus in all four disciplines.

The team line up looks like this:

  • Men’s Singles: Clive McGreal
  • Men’s Pairs: Phil Watterson & Clive McGreal
  • Men’s Triples: John Kewley, Phil Addy & Phil Smith
  • Men’s Fours: Phil Watterson, John Kewley Phil Addy & Phil Smith
  • Ladies Singles: Win Kewley
  • Ladies Pairs: Win Kewley & Anne Watterson
  • Ladies Triples: Karen Slack, Bernice McGreal & Pam Makin
  • Ladies Fours: Karen Slack, Anne Watterson, Pam Makin & Bernice McGreal

The Atlantic Championships are the qualifying event for the 2020 Bowls World Championships. Lawn Bowls Isle of Man were fortunate to achieve their first ever qualification to the prestigious event in the ladies triples discipline following a good campaign in 2015, and this year the team are aiming to demonstrate how much they have improved and surpass the achievements from four years ago.

The Atlantic Championship squad lines up like this:

  • Men’s Singles: Mark McGreal
  • Men’s Pairs: Clive & Mark McGreal
  • Ladies Singles: Pam Makin
  • Ladies Pairs: Karen Slack & Pam Makin
  • Ladies Triples: Marcia Pearson, Bernice McGreal & Janice Pilling
  • Ladies Fours: Marcia Pearson, Karen Slack, Bernice McGreal & Janice Pilling

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