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Whilst there was a premature finish to the indoor bowls season due to the second Covid lockdown the final league positions had already been determined with the Lawn Bowls fraternity dominating in both the major Premier leagues, Tuesday Morning Team League and the Friday Afternoon Pairs League claiming 4 titles for its members, 3 of these going to the Team Dragons (comprising Bernice, Clive, Mark & Michael McGreal) with the other won by Team Bushwhackers (Clive & Bernice McGreal joined by Paul Cowley & Kay McKeirnan).

The new Friday evening singles league included just 12 entrants of mixed experience and was keenly contested by a few members from the flat green code with John Kewley finishing in a commendable 3rd position behind the eventual winner Muriel Cain who won all her matches.

Interestingly the pundit commentary at the start of the season by the press officer of the Association presenting his forecast for the 2020-21 leagues did not tip either the Dragons or newly formed Bushwhackers to stake a claim in any of the leagues. However, at the close of play the Dragons were the convincing champions in all 3 leagues remaining undefeated in the Premier Pairs (Clive & Mark) and Friday Afternoon Pairs (Bernice & Clive) throughout the season. In the Tuesday Morning Team League the dominance of the Team Villians in previous seasons was brought to an end by the new combination of the Bushwhackers who lived up to their name in surprising many of their opposition by taking the title by some margin. The bonus good news being that Paul Cowley, who played a major part in the campaign with much success during the indoor season is planning to join Lawn Bowls this summer.

Whilst the draw had been made for the National Championships and some preliminary rounds already played the immediate Covid lockdown gave the Indoor Committee little alternative other than to cancel the 2021 Championships given the timing of the event and opening of the new outdoor season for Lawn and Crown Green bowls. With a number of our own members showing some good form, especially in the latter part of the season, unfortunately the early finish and cancellation represents a lost opportunity for any of them to now feature in any of the national finals during the current year.

A mention must also go to the hard working members of the Indoor Committee which is a fine balance and good mix of personnel from the Lawn bowls and Crown Green bowls codes. A deserved big thank you to all committee members for their contribution during the season and a special mention to our members Win Kewley (President), Dee Lewis (Secretary), Bernice McGreal (Treasurer) and David Quirk for all their efforts.

The final league positions and tables may be found at: IOMIBA WEBSITE

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