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A slightly less than pleasant day in Onchan put a bit of a dampener on this year’s yardstick event, but it didn’t affect the spirit of those involved.

Entrants were drawn together with a random partner and played a series of high scoring games; the aim, to put your bowls as close to the jack as possible, any bowls within a yard scores a point, any within 18 inches scores two, any within 6 inches scores three. This added a different dynamic to the game as not only were you trying to beat your opponents on the green, but the winner was the team with the overall highest points total, so you have to go all out sometimes and not just do enough to win the game you’re playing in!

In usual fashion, opponents were selected at random, and from the off the usual names appeared to be the ones you’d put your money on, however LBIOM newcomer Dee Lewis and experienced veteran Phil Smith made a great pairing on the day and defied the odds, being picked to play in arguably the more tricky games to come out on top with an astonishing score to win the competition by some margin.

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