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The biggest and most positive changes since the announcement that we can start bowling again come in tomorrow. The changes mean that we are almost back to complete normal…with effect from Monday 15th June 2020, we can have full competitive matches with the use of shared equipment such as scoreboards, mats and jacks, the shed can be opened subject to a maximum occupancy, and we can have groups of up to 30 people, which means we can start hosting our monthly competitions and leagues once more. Please note the full list of guidelines that are to be followed in this phase:

  • 1. The paying public are still not permitted on the green at this time, and use of the green is for members only. New members are most welcome and we would encourage applications to join
  • 2. Use of the green by members can now be at any time. There is no requirement to book a session
  • 3. The clubhouse and equipment are now open. Please note and respect that only six people may be in the clubhouse at any one time
  • 4. If you feel unwell or are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, DO NOT play. This still stands
  • 5. Continue to use your own bowls, but common equipment such as mats, jacks and scoreboards may now be used and shared
  • 6. There are no longer any restrictions to socially distance. However, to continue in protecting yourself and other members it is recommended to do so where possible and we request that the principle is respected
  • 7. Competitive matches and coaching are now fully permitted. Matches are to be singles and pairs only, and the use of measures are ideally to be done using your own equipment where possible. Please respect your opponent and the general laws of the sport by stepping away from the head if you are not the measurer
  • 8. We can now have upto 30 people on the green at any one time. We are still restricted to four people per rink at this time
  • 9. Always practice good hygiene, wash your hands prior to playing. The club will continue to provide hand sanitizer and disinfectant for the equipment

With the further relaxation of restrictions, we now plan to host some competitions and a Friday pairs league. More information regarding these will be released soon.

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